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Saint St. Natalia, Nataly the Martyr Orthodox Icon - Handmade Greek Byzantine Wood Icons Antique Style
Saint Eumenios Evmenios Icon-Christianity Orthodox Byzantine Greek Icons
Virgin and Child, Sweet Kissing Glykofilousa Icon - Greek Byzantian Orthodox Antique Style Icons
Saint Daphne Dymphna Santa Dinfna Santa Dymphna Greek Handmade Wood Icon
Saint St. Anysia at Thessalonica-Greek Orthodox Christian Byzantine Icons
Virgin Mary and Child Enthroned, The Prophets Above - Orthodox Byzantine Greek Icons
Icon of the Assumption of the Virgin-Greek Orthodox Antique Style Icons
Jesus Christ the Blessed Icon- Greek Handmade Orthodox Byzantine Russian Icons. Jesus the Blessed Icon: A Timeless Byzantine Masterpiece
The Life of Jesus Christ Icon- Greek Handmade Orthodox Holy Icons
Virgin Mary the Supplicating, Panagia Icon-Greek Orthodox Byzantine Handmade Icons
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Icon- Unique Greek Orthodox Byzantine Icons on Hand
Saint Euthymios Euthymius Efthymios Byzantine Orthodox Greek Icon- Greek Byzantine Antique Style Icons
Saint St. Nikolas Nikolaos Nick - Christianity Orthodox Byzantine Greek Icons
Saint St. Triantafyllos - Triantafillos the Martyr Icon-Byzantine Orthodox Greek Handmade Icons
Saint Christoforos- Hristoforos-Christophoros Icon-Byzantine Orthodox Greek Handmade Icons
Saint Aimilianos-Saint Emilianos-San Emilio-Saint Emilian-San Emiliano-Sao Emilio Icon-Orthodox Greek Handmade Icons
The Marriage Feast at Canaa - Christ with His disciples, Christianity Orthodox Greek Icons
The Holy Forefathers Saints Anne And Joachim, With Virgin, Christianity Orthodox Byzantine Greek Icons
Virgin Mary Panagia and Child The Life Giving Spring Icon -Orthodox Greek Handmade Icons
Saint Lydia Lidia Handmade on wood Icon- Greek Holy Orthodox Icons